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Family Tree of Neufeld, Ruth

16 JUL 1917
מאגרי המידע של אנו
גנאלוגיה יהודית
שמות משפחה
קהילות יהודיות
תיעוד חזותי
מרכז המוזיקה היהודית
This information is based on family tree no. as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Family Tree
Family Tree of Neufeld, Ruth
16 ליולי 1917
16 ליולי 1917
Lucerne, Luzern, LU, Switzerland
16 JUL 1917
Lucerne, Luzern, LU, Switzerland
Stiebel, Paula
Neufeld, Julius Yaakov Yechiel
Neufeld, Marguerite
Neufeld, Nathan
Neufeld, Jakob Jacques
Neufeld, Ruth
Goldschmidt, Miriam
Stiebel, Abraham Adolf
Neufeld, David
This information is based on family tree no. 7866 as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Neufeld, Julius Yaakov Yechiel
Stiebel, Paula
Neufeld, Ruth
Goldschmidt, Miriam
Stiebel, Abraham Adolf
Neufeld, Marguerite
Neufeld, Nathan
Neufeld, Jakob Jacques
Neufeld, David