דלג לתוכן האתר >

Family Tree of Osovitsky, Feigel

ABT 1870
ABT 1943
מאגרי המידע של אנו
גנאלוגיה יהודית
שמות משפחה
קהילות יהודיות
תיעוד חזותי
מרכז המוזיקה היהודית
This information is based on family tree no. as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Family Tree
Family Tree of Osovitsky, Feigel
Mother of
Dabrowa Bialy., Sokolka Dist., Grodno Gub., Russia (Pol.)(?)
Grodno, Poland (Grodno Ghetto/Treblinka ?)
ABT 1870
Dabrowa Bialy., Sokolka Dist., Grodno Gub., Russia (Pol.)(?)
ABT 1943
Grodno, Poland (Grodno Ghetto/Treblinka ?)
Osovitsky, Shmuel Dov Ber
(osovitsky), Tzirl
Osovitsky, Nachum
Osovitsky, Ze'ev Wolf Velvel
Osovitsky, Esther
Osovitsky, Chayka
Savitt, Hattie
Osovitsky, Eliezer Zvi Hersh
Osovitsky, Baruch
Osovitsky, Feigel
Kleinbort, Eugene Yehudah
(osovitsky), (Hodes(?)
Osovitsky, Menachem Mendel
Kleinbort, Irving "Itchke"
Kleinbort, Golde
Kleinbort, Hodes
Kleinbort, Bessie
Kleinbort, Chayka
Klein, Benjamin
Kleinbort, Wolf
This information is based on family tree no. 5700 as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Kleinbort, Wolf
Klein, Benjamin
Kleinbort, Chayka
Kleinbort, Bessie
Kleinbort, Hodes
Kleinbort, Golde
Kleinbort, Irving "Itchke"
(osovitsky), Tzirl
Osovitsky, Shmuel Dov Ber
Osovitsky, Feigel
(osovitsky), (Hodes(?)
Osovitsky, Menachem Mendel
Kleinbort, Eugene Yehudah
Osovitsky, Nachum
Osovitsky, Ze'ev Wolf Velvel
Osovitsky, Esther
Osovitsky, Chayka
Savitt, Hattie
Osovitsky, Eliezer Zvi Hersh
Osovitsky, Baruch