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Family Tree of Strupp, Werner

12 FEB 1925
MAY 1939
7 DEC 2014
ANU Databases
Jewish Genealogy
Family Names
Jewish Communities
Visual Documentation
Jewish Music Center
This information is based on family tree no. as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Family Tree
Family Tree of Strupp, Werner
12th of February, 1925
7th of December, 2014
Father of
Swedarsky Construction Company, Inc, Resident Agent, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Swedarsky Construction Company, Inc, Resident Agent, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
12th of February, 1925
Frankfurt, Germany
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
New York, New York, United States
12 FEB 1925
Frankfurt, Germany
MAY 1939
Frankfurt, Germany
King David Memorial Gardens, Falls Church, Virginia, United States of America
7 DEC 2014
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Strupp, Werner
Neufeld, Margot
Strupp, Linda M.
This information is based on family tree no. 5435 as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Strupp, Linda M.
Strupp, Werner
Neufeld, Margot