דלג לתוכן האתר >

שוורץ, אדולף אריה

Adolph Aryeh Schwarz (1846-1931), rabbi, scholar and educator, born in Adasz-Tevel, near Papa, Hungary (then part of the Austrian Empire). He was educated at the gymnasium of Papa, and his father, who was a rabbi, taught him Talmud. Later he studied theology at the Breslau Rabbinical Seminary in Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) and then attended the University of Vienna, Austria, where he graduated as doctor of philosophy.

After serving as chief rabbi at Karlsruhe, Germany, from 1875 to 1893, he was called to the Vienna Israelitische-Theologische Lehranstalt as its first dean, and remained in this office to the end of his life. In Karlsruhe Schwartz devoted himself to research on the Tosefta. His vast scholarly output was devoted primarily to the study of the Talmud and its methodology.

He published: Die Tosifta der Ordnung Moed. I. Der Tractat Sabbath (1879); II. Der Tractat Erubin (1882); Tosifta juxta Mischnarum Ordinum Recomposita et Commentario instructa I. Seraim. II. Chulin. (1890-1902). During his time in Vienna he concerned himself mostly with hermeneutics, publishing Die hermeneutische Analogie in der talmudischen Literatur (1897); Der hermeneutische Syllogismus in der talmudischen Literatur (1901); and Die hermeneutische Induktion in der talmudischen Literatur (1909). Other works of his include: Ueber Jacobis oppositionelle Stellung zu Kant, Fichte und Schelling (1870); Ueber das juedische Kalenderwesen (1872); Sabbatpredigten zu den Wochenabschnitten der Fuenf Buecher Moses (I-V, 1879-1883); Festpredigten fuer alle Hauptfeiertage des Jahres (1884); Predigten, Neue Folge (1892); Die Kontroverse der Schammaiten und Hilleliten, Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hillelschule (1893); Die Frauen der Bibel. Drei Vortraage (1903); Die Erzaahlungskunst der Bibel. Zwei Vortraage (1904) and Die Mischneh-Tora (1905).

Jubilee volumes were published in honor of his seventieth (1817) and eightieth (1927) birthdays, the latter entirely in Hebrew. The Austrian state conferred upon him the title of Hofrat (Court Councillor). Schwarz died in Vienna.

מאגרי המידע של אנו
גנאלוגיה יהודית
שמות משפחה
קהילות יהודיות
תיעוד חזותי
מרכז המוזיקה היהודית
שוורץ, אדולף אריה

Adolph Aryeh Schwarz (1846-1931), rabbi, scholar and educator, born in Adasz-Tevel, near Papa, Hungary (then part of the Austrian Empire). He was educated at the gymnasium of Papa, and his father, who was a rabbi, taught him Talmud. Later he studied theology at the Breslau Rabbinical Seminary in Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) and then attended the University of Vienna, Austria, where he graduated as doctor of philosophy.

After serving as chief rabbi at Karlsruhe, Germany, from 1875 to 1893, he was called to the Vienna Israelitische-Theologische Lehranstalt as its first dean, and remained in this office to the end of his life. In Karlsruhe Schwartz devoted himself to research on the Tosefta. His vast scholarly output was devoted primarily to the study of the Talmud and its methodology.

He published: Die Tosifta der Ordnung Moed. I. Der Tractat Sabbath (1879); II. Der Tractat Erubin (1882); Tosifta juxta Mischnarum Ordinum Recomposita et Commentario instructa I. Seraim. II. Chulin. (1890-1902). During his time in Vienna he concerned himself mostly with hermeneutics, publishing Die hermeneutische Analogie in der talmudischen Literatur (1897); Der hermeneutische Syllogismus in der talmudischen Literatur (1901); and Die hermeneutische Induktion in der talmudischen Literatur (1909). Other works of his include: Ueber Jacobis oppositionelle Stellung zu Kant, Fichte und Schelling (1870); Ueber das juedische Kalenderwesen (1872); Sabbatpredigten zu den Wochenabschnitten der Fuenf Buecher Moses (I-V, 1879-1883); Festpredigten fuer alle Hauptfeiertage des Jahres (1884); Predigten, Neue Folge (1892); Die Kontroverse der Schammaiten und Hilleliten, Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hillelschule (1893); Die Frauen der Bibel. Drei Vortraage (1903); Die Erzaahlungskunst der Bibel. Zwei Vortraage (1904) and Die Mischneh-Tora (1905).

Jubilee volumes were published in honor of his seventieth (1817) and eightieth (1927) birthdays, the latter entirely in Hebrew. The Austrian state conferred upon him the title of Hofrat (Court Councillor). Schwarz died in Vienna.

חובר ע"י חוקרים של אנו מוזיאון העם היהודי