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Family Tree of Auerbach, Mathilde

14 JUL 1904
8 NOV 1942
ANU Databases
Jewish Genealogy
Family Names
Jewish Communities
Visual Documentation
Jewish Music Center
This information is based on family tree no. as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Family Tree
Family Tree of Auerbach, Mathilde
14th of July, 1904
8th of November, 1942
Mother of
14th of July, 1904
Hamburg, Germany
Auschwitz concentration camp
14 JUL 1904
Hamburg, Germany
8 NOV 1942
Auschwitz concentration camp
Auerbach, Aron
Posen, Helene
Auerbach, Jacob
Auerbach, Leah
Auerbach, Max Mordechai
Auerbach, Elias Eliezer
Auerbach, Josef Jop
Auerbach, Benjamin Hirsch
Auerbach, Walter Siegmund Selig
Auerbach, Bertha
Auerbach, Mathilde
Hirsch, Hermann Naftali
Hirsch, Anselm Asher
Hirsch, Jack Aryeh
Hirsch, Shoshana Rosline
Hirsch, Shmuel Moshe Werner
Hirsch, Flora Blimel
Hirsch, Sara Gustl
Hirsch, Zvi Benjamin
Auerbach, Philipp