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Family Tree of LaRose, Cleta Bell

19 Feb 1924
ANU Databases
Jewish Genealogy
Family Names
Jewish Communities
Visual Documentation
Jewish Music Center
This information is based on family tree no. as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Family Tree
Family Tree of LaRose, Cleta Bell
19th of February, 1924
Mother of
19th of February, 1924
Huckaby Missouri
19 Feb 1924
Huckaby Missouri
Payne, Ina Ellen
LaRose?, Louis Milton
LaRose, Arleigh Glen
LaRose, Ollie Mae
LaRose, Cleta Bell
Green, Howard B.
Payne, Acy
Harris, Ollie
Smith, Tinnie Bella
La Rose, Silas Monroe
Green, Reva June
Green, Lawrence Howard
Green, Donna Vee
Green, Lori Beth
This information is based on family tree no. 5519 as recorded at the Douglas E.Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at ANU Museum of the Jewish People.
Green, Lori Beth
Green, Donna Vee
Green, Lawrence Howard
Green, Reva June
LaRose?, Louis Milton
Payne, Ina Ellen
LaRose, Cleta Bell
Payne, Acy
Harris, Ollie
Smith, Tinnie Bella
La Rose, Silas Monroe
Green, Howard B.
LaRose, Arleigh Glen
LaRose, Ollie Mae